
What is “Cloud meet Ocean”?

Cloud Meet Ocean from Matt Overstreet on Vimeo.


Whats the point of “cloud meet ocean”?

We do a lot of large scale search systems. Often we have ourselves behind a “firewall” of the rest of the application stack. This means that all performance and scalability is, at least in part, dictated by the rest of our app stack.

But, what if search could scale independently of the rest of our app?Why waste our servers time concatenating strings of html for clients perfectly capable of doing that work on their own.

Take this (example of html)

        A new Page!                
row row row
your boat

and reduce to this

ditty: {[ "row", "row", "row"], ["your", "boat"]}

Weve take to calling this “cloud meet ocean.” No matter how large your server cluster, a swarm of clients with a modern/fast javascript interpreter represent a massive cache of computational power.

So, sure this applies to rendering html and similar issues. But were also excited about seeing where a super fast interpreted client/code thing and an incredible distribution network web/html can be applied to other classic distributed problems.