
Search Books Day at Manning!

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Buy our book and many others today! Use offer code dotd041315au to get 50% off all formats!

Today only get 50% off Relevant Search – the search relevance book we’re writing. You can also pick up Solr In Action and Elasticsearch In Action with this deal.

The most important book is of course Relevant Search :). Once you plugin your data to Solr or Elasticsearch, you’re far from what your users expect from a search user experience! Taming Search teaches you how to optimize search results for your content, users, and their vernacular. It explores topics such as Lucene Internals, to appropriate use of search engine features, to machine learning – all to grow beyond dull, basic text matching that satisfies no one to deep search that focusses on a specific user experience.

So be sure to use Manning’s Deal-Of-The-Day code dotd041315au to save on these great titles!