Search Results: 'elasticsearch'

…relevance space: being the key, early sponsor of the Elasticsearch Learning to Rank Plugin. OSC is proud to see Snag become leaders in the space – with Snag no longer depending…

Case Study


…entity-focussed search strategies lay a technical foundation for applying technologies like Solr or Elasticsearch to search relevance problems. They attack the problem directly, using your domain knowledge. In Careerbuilder’s case,…

…web search to content management and e-commmerce. He’s been tasked with building scalable and highly-available solutions using technologies such as Solr, Elasticsearch, Scala, Kotlin and Java. Matthias believes that understanding…

…when you want to identify a search relevance baseline performance to begin improving. Splainer and Quepid both support Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, and now OpenSearch! Splainer and Quepid now support OpenSearch!…

…are harvested from logs and put intosomething like the ELK stack (Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana) or sent to Google Analytics. There’scertainly nothing wrong with that approach, but for me it adds…

…Every Friday a team member leads a discussion on real technical solutions to search relevance. Many times the talk is around something seemingly mundane like Solr/Elasticsearch synonyms or boosting strategies….