
XUL Getting Started Guide

I recently was tasked with creating a Firefox add-on or extension for a client and here are some of the things I wish I had known before I began. XML User Interface Language (XUL) pronounced “zool” is the programming language created by Mozilla used to create Firefox extensions and cross platform applications. It is a language similar to DHTML allowing someone with DHTML experience to quickly learn XUL. So far my experience with XUL has been a pleasant one. Please support the XUL community and leave comments with your experience with XUL.

Tips for development

XUL files can be opened in Firefox making it much easier to quickly view the changes you make to your code. Use the Error Console in Firefox to view error messages your XUL code may produce which can be found under the Firefox Tools menu. The Extension Developer has a nice “reload all chrome” option, but it closes all the web sites you currently have open and crashed Firefox on my computer if I had Gmail open.

XUL tools

Spket IDE is the best IDE for editing XUL I was able to find and is based on the Eclipse IDE.
Extension Developer is a Firefox add-on for building extensions.
Firebug is an awesome Firefox add-on for debugging web pages.
XUL Explorer is a nice little application to help you get started with XUL development


Mozilla Developer Center is the official web site for XUL with documentation.

Born Geek contains several great tutorials.

XUL Periodic Table has a nice web page containing most of the user interface components with source code.

XUL Planet is the unofficial web site for XUL with documentation.