
Some OpenSource Ideas for .Net

Have you ever felt there is just simply not enough time in the day to get around to doing everything that needs to be done. Its possible that you may be reading this blog posting totally clueless about what is going on .Net (Microsofts solution to “write it anything you want, c#, ruby, and it works on windows platform”). Well the big MS has dumped a ton of new technologies(while some are totally not new concepts) and Projects and there is more to come. From Linq (Language Integrated Queries) to WPF which all vector based graphics over the typical pixel based windows forms, to Asp.Nets MVC add on project (which is very rails like, no surprise there) to SilverLight, and even supporting projects like Iron Ruby. And there is no slowing down in sight.

And yet with all the cool things to try out, there are still quite a few niches and gaping holes in all this. If youre reading this and possibly have a hard time of keeping yourself busy and want something worth while to do. Try working on or even starting an opensource .net base project. I know that Iron Ruby could use some help. Also I know of plenty of gaps in the dot net world that could definitely be filled in.

  • Code generation Tool – that doesnt look or act like it was built 10 years ago and in .net it would be nice to have one that makes use ofcode dom which rules out things like “my generation”. Also having th7 new mixin methods would help decrease the amount of code needed to use use code dom, plus there is need for multiple database supported as well as reading XML or even documents like the new ADO.NET entity XML files.
  • .Net Yaml Parser – yes there are some, but not one that stands out. I know that Iron Ruby is really in need of one as well.
  • .Net BDD/Spec Framework – yes there is Nspec which is now apart of NBehave but it looks either really behind or stagnated.
  • Wpf/WinForms Unit Testing Framework – yeah again there is something for this, but its nunitforms which also seems a bit stagnated.
  • Web/Win/Wpf Controls – one really tightly made suite that would give companies like Infragistics, Telerik, and dev express, good competition.
  • .Net Subversion Bindings – could really use some help.
  • **.Net Audio/Music/Mp3 etc Library **- It would be nice to not have to embed windows media player as the typical way of playing audio files other than .wavs in .Net 
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