
Exploring Custom TypeCodecs in the Cassandra Java Driver

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While working with the C* Java Driver I keep running into error messages when writing to timestamp fields. This issue usually pops up when I bind a value in my insert statement to a Joda DateTime object. The driver accept this variable and throws an exception while serializing it for execution. Here’s some sample code to illustrate the behavior:

session.execute("INSERT INTO my_table (partition_key, some_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?)", "bar",;

// Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Value 1 of type class org.joda.time.DateTime does not correspond to any CQL3 type

This is understandable, the Java driver doesn’t know how to take my object and serialize it. I could convert all of my DateTime objects into Java Date objects with dateTime.toDate(), but this feels a bit clunky:

session.execute("INSERT INTO my_table (partition_key, some_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?)", "bar",;
// YAY THIS WORKS, but ALL dates need to be converted.

Today the Java driver has a new version in release candidate 2.2.0. Among other things this release features a new system for serializing / deserializing custom objects into native CQL types. Finally I can insert my DateTime objects! Let’s take a look at how the new TypeCodec system works and implement a simple DateTimeCodec.

First change the version of the Java driver to at least 2.2.0-rc3.


Now let’s try our sample query again.

session.execute("INSERT INTO my_table (partition_key, some_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?)", "bar",;

// Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Value 1 of type class org.joda.time.DateTime does not correspond to any CQL3 type
// Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.CodecNotFoundException: Codec not found for requested operation: [ANY <-> org.joda.time.DateTime]

There’s some new output in our exception indicating a Codec could not be found. Let’s implement one! A TypeCodec has four methods that must be implemented parse(), format(), serialize(), and deserialize(). In the file there is a TimestampCodec defined which shows how the driver expects a timestamp returned. We can base our class on a few of the methods here, but much more simplified.

First up is our constructor it calls the super class indicating the CQL DataType and Object class our codec handles. Note in our examples the class is DateTimeCodec.

public DateTimeCodec() {
  super(DataType.timestamp(), DateTime.class);

There are other TypeCodec classes that may be extended, like TypeCodec.StringParsingCodec. In our case we are extending TypeCodec with T specified as DateTime from the Joda Time library. Now that we have signaled the CQL and Java data types our code handles it is time to get to work.

The first method to implement parses a String value and returns a DateTime object. Naturally this would be the parse() method. Looking at the TimestampCodec implementation and JavaDocs for TypeCodec we can see the expected input values. Our method should handle valid data from CQL along with null and "NULL". Instead of doing a bunch of parsing like the TimestampCodec we will just delegate to the DateTime.parse() method instead.

public DateTime parse(String value) {
  if (value == null || value.equals("NULL"))
    return null;

  try {
    return DateTime.parse(value);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
    throw new InvalidTypeException("Could not parse format: " + value, iae);

With parse() implemented it is time to explore the format() method. format() takes an instance of DateTime and converts it to a CQL literal value. null values should return the String “NULL”. In our case the timestamp is internally stored as a long since epoch. On a DateTime object we may retrieve this value with a call to getMillis(). This in turn gets converted to a String and returned.

public String format(DateTime value) {
  if (value == null)
    return "NULL";

  return Long.toString(value.getMillis());

So far our methods have been pretty simple. Let’s get into the really interesting parts of TypeCodec, the serialize() and deserialize() methods! First up we have serialize() method. This takes the Java value and serializes it into the appropriate value for the given CQL type. A protocolVersion is also supplied to help inform us of how to pack this value. In our case there isn’t any complex logic here. If the value is null return that, otherwise convert the value to a long or BIGINT in CQL. Fortunately the encoding of BIGINT values is handled elsewhere in the driver and we can reuse that code. Check out the implementation below.

public ByteBuffer serialize(DateTime value, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) {
  return value == null ? null : BigintCodec.instance.serializeNoBoxing(value.getMillis(), protocolVersion);

Deserializing the data is just as simple with the following code:

public DateTime deserialize(ByteBuffer bytes, ProtocolVersion protocolVersion) {
  return bytes == null || bytes.remaining() == 0 ? null: new DateTime(BigintCodec.instance.deserializeNoBoxing(bytes, protocolVersion));

Now with all the methods in our custom codec implemented it’s time to take it for a spin. In our application we get an instance of the Cluster and register our custom codec.

// Setup the cluster connection
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("").build();

// Configure our DateTimeCodec
CodecRegistry codecRegistry = cluster.getConfiguration().getCodecRegistry();
codecRegistry.register(new DateTimeCodec());

Now whenever we pass a DateTime object in for a TIMESTAMP field the driver knows how to convert it. Our code from earlier now inserts without exceptions!

session.execute("INSERT INTO my_table (partition_key, some_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?)", "bar",;

This is awesome for insert statements, but what about reads? What if we want to read a timestamp from Cassandra and have a DateTime returned instead of a java.util.Date? That’s easy! Since we have already registered a codec for parsing values and converting them to / from the native CQL type the driver knows what to do. We just need to let it know that we’re interested in that particular type. This can be accomplished with the get() method on a Row. Our first argument is the name of the column to retrieve (or index), then we specify the class we would like returned.

ResultSet results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE partition_key = 'foo'");
for (Row row : results) {
  DateTime value = row.get("some_timestamp", DateTime.class);


// 2015-12-21T12:11:40.723-05:00
// 2015-12-21

We have successfully implemented a TypeCodec for converting CQL timestamp objects into Joda Time DateTimes. This could be extended out to cover other types as well. Some examples from the driver’s feature description include serializing and deserializing JSON from a String field or parsing a UDT value into a custom POJO. TypeCodecs appear to be very powerful with quite a bit of flexibility. I’m looking forward to seeing how other in the community leverage this feature to expand on Cassandra’s already powerful capabilities.

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