Don’t just tune your search engine, improve the whole way you do search
Great search is built by a great team. If you don’t have a search team, or it’s not complete, our experts can help fill the gaps. We can analyse your team structure to identify and help resolve communication issues and other bottlenecks, help you recruit and screen new team members, train them in the skills required and introduce them to the wider search and AI community.
We can also help you create and tune your search product development processes – from defining the business goals for search, product discovery and roadmapping to establishing systematic feedback processes for recording, triaging and addressing issues with search quality, allowing your team to quickly respond to users and business stakeholders with content that satisfies and sells.

Search team topologies
We’ve worked with many search teams, some of them in billion-dollar companies, and seen what works and what doesn’t. We can help you structure your business to achieve great things with search & AI.
Our Team Topology workshops review your team structure, introduce best practices based on our experience and suggest changes you can make.
If you are just starting out on your search journey and don’t have a search team, our experts can help fill the gaps and augment your team.
Developing search people
We’re at the heart of the search & AI community with a deep understanding of the skills required for effective improvement of result quality – and how to build them. If you’re recruiting, we can help you fine-tune your requirements, screen candidates and suggest where to advertise open positions.
We run leading search & AI conferences such as Haystack and attend & speak at many more. Our Relevance Slack community, free to join, has over 5000 members across the world. We are not tied to any vendor or technology – and we know this market very well. We thus have a unique understanding of the people behind cutting edge search & AI.
Our training courses have been taken by hundreds of people in the search sector and are a great way to develop skills.

Effective processes get the best results
Recording search issues and deciding how best to respond to them is a complex task. We have template processes to share based on those used by the best search teams, enabling you to develop strategies, triage issues, set up and run search & AI tuning experiments and rapidly iterate on search result quality.
Our free and open source tools let you easily record human judgments of search result quality, experiment with different search configurations and implement business rules to fix search issues in minutes.
Learn how to build, run and support the best search team
Develop an effective search & AI improvement process