Search Results: 'solr'

…default Solr highlighting doesn’t do a great job of showing you why. Solr’s highlighting will do: Mary had a little lambLittle sheeps had a Mary If our queries are long…

…complete, then execute a second request. Something like this code import requests#Search 1solrResp = requests.get(‘’)for doc in solrResp.json()[‘response’][‘docs’]: print doc[‘catch_line’]#Search 2solrResp = requests.get(‘’)for doc in solrResp.json()[‘response’][‘docs’]: print doc[‘catch_line’] (were using…

…to up your Solr game on these and other problems, be sure to check out our Solr Training! Share your thoughts! Hopefully this article can get you started building a…

…built Solr I ran it withbin/solr -e schemaless to get a blank collection. After the indexing code finished I opened up the Admin Console and checked out the schema. Sure…

…<requestParsers enableRemoteStreaming="false" multipartUploadLimitInKB="20480" formdataUploadLimitInKB="20480" /> </requestDispatcher> You can now hit Solr via: curl ‘http://localhost:8983/solr/documents/update/extract?’ -F "myfile=@files/alvarez20140715a.pdf" and get back from Solr the Tika processed content in a relatively easy to…

…or are considering Solr need to figure out, which is whether 4.0 is stable enough to deploy in a live environment. Solr, even in unrelated versions, has historically been pretty…

…private String status; We save the object into Solr via an instance of SolrClient: jobTrackerSolrClient.addBean(jobTracker); We load the object back from Solr via: SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery();q.set("q","id:" + objectId);q.set("fl","*");QueryResponse…