Search Results: 'elasticsearch'

…BlendedTermQuery to implement BM25F Lucene’s BlendedTermQuery forms the guts behind Elasticsearch’s cross_field search. What BlendedTermQuery does is blend global term stats as best as possible across different fields. If the…

Doug and Matt take a look at a few good things recently added to Solr and Elasticsearch. Also, Doug goes into more detail on using search engines as recommendor systems….

…“Relevant Search demystifies relevance work. Using Elasticsearch, it teaches you how to return engaging search results to your users, helping you understand and leverage the internals of Lucene-based search engines”…

Glossary Item


An open-source Java-based search engine library that is used by Solr, Elasticsearch and OpenSearch.

…evolve in the near future. With Vespa and Elasticsearch, there already are two search engines capable of combining dense and sparse retrieval. It will be only a matter of time…